Location | Nové Hutě - Forecast |
Provided by | ceskechalupy.cz |
● Nové Hutě 1 km novehute.cz
● Zadov - Kobyla 3 km holidayinfo.cz
● Zadov - Kobyla horní stanice 3 km holidayinfo.cz
● Zadov - Pucalka 4 km lazadov.cz
● Zadov 4 km feratel.com
● Zadov - Kobyla 4 km holidayinfo.cz
For this output data, temperature is shown for 2 m above ground. The calculations take into account the terrain (elevation), but with lower resolution than in reality. Therefore the models cannot differentiate, for instance, the temperature on a mountain peak or on a city square scorched by the sun. The general rule is that the centres of large cities are 1 °C to 3 °C warmer than the surrounding area or natural landscapes. Significant temperature differences over a small area are primarily caused in the winter by an inversion. A short yet noticeable cooling can also occur after a local summer storm.