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  • US 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E of N Pecos St

    US 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E of N Pecos St - Web-kamere
    prije 17 minute

    Mjesto US 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E of N Pecos St - Prognoza
    Pruža cocam.carsprogram.org from codot.gov

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    Jučer & Danas

    US 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E of N Pecos St - Jučer
    US 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E of N Pecos St - Danas
    Usporedba slike od zadnje dostupno vrijeme (desno) sa slikom od prije 24 sata (lijevo).

    Najbliže web kamere

    CO-128 MP 012.65 WB at N Zuni St 9 km cocam.carsprogram.org

    Denver - Mile High 10 km cbslocal.com

    I-70 MP 278.90 EB at I-270 11 km cocam.carsprogram.org

    I-25 MP 209.45 NB at W 8th Ave 11 km cocam.carsprogram.org

    Glendale 15 km co.us

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    ReproducirajNatragDaljePromijeni datumDanas, 27.03.202500:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:0019:0020:0021:0022:0023:00

    Podaci: HRRR, NOAA (razlučivost 3 km)
    Ažurirani: 23:00 UTC (sljedeće ažuriranje: 00:00 UTC - pripremi)
    Vrijeme sad: 02:00, 27.03.2025 (UTC)

    For this output data, temperature is shown for 2 m iz. nad. vis.. The calculations take into account the terrain (elevation), but with lower resolution than in reality. Therefore the models cannot differentiate, for instance, the temperature on a mountain peak or on a city square scorched by the sun. The general rule is that the centres of large cities are 1 °C to 3 °C warmer than the surrounding area or natural landscapes. Significant temperature differences over a small area are primarily caused in the winter by an inversion. A short yet noticeable cooling can also occur after a local summer storm.

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    Portland0 °CSeattleSpokaneBoiseEugeneLos AngelesTijuanaLas VegasSan JoseMexicaliRenoBakersfieldFresnoSacramentoBillingsPhoenixAlbuquerqueTucsonSalt Lake CityAmarilloLubbockMidlandDes MoinesFargoRochesterSioux FallsCedar RapidsOmahaMinneapolisDallasMemphisOklahoma CityLittle RockShreveportJacksonAbileneColumbiaWichita FallsSpringfieldKansas CitySaint LouisTulsaWichitaTorontoChicagoDetroitMilwaukeeGrand RapidsFort WayneMadisonErieGreen BaySudburyLondonClevelandCharlotteIndianapolisNashvilleColumbusColumbusChattanoogaKnoxvilleBirminghamGreensboroLouisvilleSpringfieldEvansvilleCharlestonColumbiaSavannahPittsburghCincinnatiMeadsAtlantaUS 36 MP 056.00 EB : 0.1 miles E ...